Yeah Homeland was excellent. The last scene of the season (no spoilers) was just so infuriating to me, exactly as it was supposed to be. I agree though, I hope they don't drag it on for multiple seasons, but seeing as the people who did 24 (which I actually have never seen, but still...) are the ones who do Homeland... and it was such a huge success... and Obama likes it... it'll be going on for a while I bet.
sunray wrote: Should i be laughing quite so often in it? I'm finding that there's plenty of humour but not sure if i'm supposed to be!
Non-essential but entertaining viewing: Grimm, Alcatraz. Plus the perennials of Bones and Criminal Minds. I can dip in and out of any of those four but generally an alright way to pass an hour.
As for Breaking Bad: Yes, there's a huge element of black humor in it for me - for instance, the end of Episode 2, which you just saw... pure grotesque comedy. It will continue to get pretty intense, and at times perhaps a little bit unrealistic, but it is just so cinematic and beautifully shot, and has such great character moments that it makes up for anything it does wrong in my opinion.
On the other end of the spectrum of drug television series is The Wire: I just finished my 3rd runthrough of the entire series (once on my own a few years ago, once with my parents, just did it once with a friend of mine). I'm sure people have mentioned it in this thread before (EDIT: Just did 'search this topic' and nobody had!!!! crazy!!!!), and I'm sure you are annoyed by hearing so many people say this: but at least in my opinion, it is the greatest television series I have ever seen/greatest piece of story telling on american television ever. It also (clearly for me at least) has incredible 'rewatch' value.
All I will say about it: go watch it right now (in fact, if you don't feel like watching Breaking Bad, switch over to the Wire immediately) -- it may be a little difficult to follow at first/the first few episodes may feel a little slow (I don't think so after rewatching them so many times and knowing where they are going, but some people do feel that way), however the investment you put into it will reward you immensely. The closest thing the experience of watching it can be compared to is reading a novel like Moby-Dick.