Spacemen 3 28/2/89 Duchess, Leeds Poster

It's fairly unlikely you'd have made it here without ever having heard of Jason's previous incarnation. So here you go, talk away...

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Spacemen 3 28/2/89 Duchess, Leeds Poster

Post by buxton69 »

I joined this forum to post this, I also have a ticket from the gig the year before in Leeds at Adam and Eves. Thought someone might like these. I’m not sure if there was an actual poster for this produced by Spacemen 3 or if we did the only posters, it was my band supporting. It was absolutely packed in the venue and really hot. We did have a tape of us playing, which was lost after one play after the gig that night, no idea if anyone taped Spacemen 3. Sorry for the angle of the picture, a friend found it and sent me this picture.
8C26EC86-A611-4BFA-AD34-32DC38F433D7.jpeg (110.09 KiB) Viewed 6471 times
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