Down time

Technical announcements relating to the Spiritualized® board...

Moderators: runcible, NightWash

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Down time

Post by runcible »

Just a quick note to inform you the servers will be down for maintenance at various points from 10 pm to 6 am (UK time I believe) on March 26, 27 & 28th.

Sorry for any inconvenience!
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Re: Down time

Post by runcible »

Welcome back folks after a thoroughly unwanted period of down time here.

To cut a long story short the company who hosted this forum - Strato - pulled the plug on us, claiming bills hadn't been paid and adding that they warned us about the potential cut-off. As all correspondence comes to me personally I can state categorically that no warnings came to me and the plug pulling happened without me receiving any indication of what was about to happen. What's more they deleted all the data from the forum which meant a great of valuable information was potentially lost. Thanks to the forward thinking of Nightwash a back up of the forum was saved almost to the point of the cut off so I think almost no information was lost. We are now hosted on a server held by Modlab so huge thanks to him too for the rescue mission. Without those 2 chaps we'd have been sunk so I'm profoundly grateful for their input. The neat punchline to this came in the form of a debt collection agency's letter to me demanding money even though Strato hadn't contacted me at any point regarding this issue. Nice.

I'll also apologise for the interruption. Despite having no knowledge of the impending darkness about to happen I took the responsibility to effectively run the forum and it went down on my watch, and I'm sorry. The powerless feeling was pretty frustrating. Anyway, we're back in business.. Away we go...
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Re: Down time

Post by NightWash »


as written before, we are back in action. And as you may see we also used the unplanned "downtime" to bring some improvements to the board. The board software has been upgraded to the latest version and there has been also a small cleanup of inactive users. Sadly the old style was not compatible which forced us to go back to a standard theme.

If you recognize any problems on this site, please PM me directly. We tested before and all looked fine but you never know.

Meanwhile i will look through the database and try to clean it from other unusual stuff that might be introduced in the past to ensure a good base for the future.

Additionally the forum is not final, it will be moved again to some other server in the next weeks. But this time with an announcement and a hopefully much shorter downtime.

Thanks and have fun

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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:22 pm

Re: Down time

Post by NightWash »

Sorry for the 2nd downtime. I made a config error in the webserver configuration which caused it to not start after a maintenance reboot. No posts should be lost, except the unlucky poster hasn't finished when the server went down.

The problem is solved, happy posting again.